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The whole of Taiwan is your amusement park!

Central Taiwan are the hometown of fish and rice in Taiwan. It is also the region with the most development of Taiwan’s tourism industry. From traditional industries to cultural innovations, it has his sightseeing charm; from the humanities of rice, tea, flowers, forests and mountains, to The city’s food, fashion, cultural creation, architectural culture and large amusement parks, and a variety of sightseeing and tourism elements are connected in series, creating a multi-purpose amusement park in Taiwan!Taiwan Pass cardholders have created a "Taiwanese company that is very good at single-point play, and has two points of play to taste and multi-point extension."


What is the " Taiwan Pass "? Simply put, it is the " Taiwan Smart Travel Ticket Card"!

The Nantou City Government has integrated tourism resources in three counties of Taiwan, including Hsinchu County, Miaoli County and Nantou County. Recommend special tourist routes to provide passengers with limited time and special offers for transportation and attractions. When passengers visit the card, they can save time and money and leave beautiful memories.


Enjoy discounts with Chinese Taiwanese fun cards!

Chinese and Taiwanese fun cards can not only enjoy exclusive discounts in Taiwan, but also have a variety of discounts and e-wallet functions. After the stored value, you can take a ride and special store. Before going out or on the road, you can use the Taiwan Pass to pre-purchase and purchase goods; you can also use APP maps and location functions to search for nearby attractions and store information. Travel services, accompanied by shadows.