Fumeixuan Restaurant - CT-PASS

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Fumeixuan Restaurant

Store information

本店開業至今已長達三十年的歷史,早期第一代是以外燴為主,現在第二代接手營業項目以辦桌、喜宴、外燴、自助餐為主,隨著時代環境的變遷,店內重新裝潢後開始經營團體訂餐(開會、聚餐).便當訂做、經濟快炒、客家小吃,可說是一家很多元化的餐廳呢! 本店位於北埔口附近的南興街上,本店面前還有一頭二十年歷史的木雕水牛在此歡迎大家光臨! 店內裝潢古色古香,每桌都鋪上油桐花的客家布,讓顧客在享用客家美食的同時別有一番感受。 本店目前主推客家胡椒鴨,客家胡椒鴨是第一代外燴專用的客家大菜,每一隻客家胡椒鴨從一開始的前置清潔作業、再加入自製秘方配料、最後進入蒸籠把秘方的味道鎖進鴨肉,層層都由老闆娘親自把關製作,一入口就是滿滿的古早味。早期客家人開墾闢地需要很大的勞力,在飲食方面總是些重鹹重口味的客家菜,但在第二代老闆配合現今大家養生、清淡的理念,所以重新研發調味,讓顧客品嘗到營養又健康的客家味。

Given its 30-year history, the first generation owner mainly focused on the catering business, as the current second-generation owner takes on the banquet, wedding party, catering and buffet, as the main businesses, and with the changing time and market, a brand new interior signaled our intention to take on business and private group dinners while customized lunch-boxes, eatery meals, as well as Hakka dishes, would make it a very diverse restaurant! As our store is located on Nanxing Street near Beipukou, there is also a 20-year-old wooden carved buffalo sculpture in front of our store, and with our throwback style of interior decoration, each table dressed draped with Hakka cloth, allows customers to enjoy Hakka cuisine in a wonderful authentic Hakka ambiance.

One of our current signature dishes is the Hakka pepper-paste duck, a main dish in the early days of catering cuisine. As each Hakka pepper-paste duck starts with the cleaning process before added with homemade ingredients, and then steamed and served. As the taste is locked into the duck meat, and the layers are all made by the female owner, which would make this dish an ideal dietary boost for the labor-intensive days of the early immigrant days. However, as the current owner believes the cuisine should cater for the modern nutritional needs, the recipe has been fine-tuned to reflect a healthy and nutritious New Hakka flavor.

Hakka Pepper-Paste Duck Giftbox $600 per box

Hakka Pepper-Paste Duck Hotpot (Prior reservation is required, and the price is subject to changes in ingredient costs)


Address 314台灣新竹縣北埔鄉南興街132號
Phone 03 580 1099


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