YUYUPAS Cultural Park - CT-PASS

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YUYUPAS Cultural Park

YUYUPAS is a park designated for the exhibition and education of the Tsou people in Taiwan. In Tsou, YUYUPAS holds the meaning of fulfillment, peace and happiness. Founder Cheng create job opportunities for the Tsou people.

Store information

YUYUPAS Cultural Park is located at 1,200 meters above sea level in the Alishan Mountain ranges. The park consists of cultural and historical artifacts of Hamo, dining areas, tea houses, theater, millennium wood exhibits, arts and crafts center. We also offer a variety of top range coffees and teas. Our iconic Mafeel coffee beans are planted at 800 meters to 1,300 meters above sea level with organic fertilizers and natural cultivation methods. Coffee fruits are hand picked with an emphasis on eco-friendly production.

Address 127-2., 4th Neighborhood, Leye Village, Alishan Township, Chiayi County
Phone 05-2562788
Remark Monday to Friday and Sunday 09:00 – 16:30
Saturday 09:00-21:00


上山: 從嘉義‧中埔交流道 => 走台18線 => 到 61K 右轉 (竹簍標的物) => 行車約800公尺 即到達。

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