e92coffee - CT-PASS

Home e92coffee


A coffee shop located in the beautiful Zhongxing New Village. The owner continues to develop various life styles in this old house left over by time, hoping to protect this beauty through his understanding of the village.

Store information

A coffee shop located in the beautiful Zhongxing New Village.


Open the mottled red iron door, what you can see is the large plantings made by the owner. Step in and take a look at the light green window and door frames, the original stone floor, echoing the log beams above, and the ancient tiles on the wall. The owner cleverly matched some old things with some modern elements. In addition to maintaining the simplicity and beauty of the old times, it presents the aftertaste of the good times, while showing a unique and harmonious early military village appearance.

As a member of the military village, the owner continues to develop various life styles in this old house left over by time, hoping to protect this beauty through his understanding of the village.

We sincerely invite you to enjoy the beauty of Zhongxing New Village.

We offer specialty coffee mainly, with dessert, as well as other non-coffee drinks. Also, special drinks are provided according to seasonal changes.

Address No. 45, Guangming 1st Road, Zhongxing New Village, Nantou City
Phone 0922-932192


Package ticket recommended