Our insistence on food safety by using ingredients which are completely free from preservative, pigments, or any artificial additives allows customers to enjoy our steamed cuisines satisfyingly with ease and happiness.
Chin-Ai Philharmonic is located in Chin-Ai Village in RenAi, Nantou, deep in Auwanda Forest. We set up a market in Chung Hsing New Village Hall, selling handmade ChinAi Little Musician cultural and creative products(decorations, backpacks, purses .et
Fantastic not only creates unparalleled snacks but also gives opportunities for mentally and physically challenged, making souvenirs warm by love. Awarded 2014 and 2017 Nantou Top 10 Souvenirs and Taiwan Top 100, in 2018, Fantastic also won 2018 Souv
Use the space of the provincial housing, promote the consignment space of arts and literary workers, let more people get in touch with the concept of slow living, and lead the travelers to re-recognize the elegance of Chung Hsing New Village with the
Taiwanese tea profesionist(Lishan Oolong Tea, Alishan Oolong Tea, Organic Ruby Red Tea)
We were an 30 years old optician service, then came up with an idea to set up a coffee shop for local, for tourists and for you. 1.The most beautiful green tunnel in Taiwan is just right at our door, enjoy the scenery with your afternoon tea. 2. Tal
First Bear Themed Shaved Ice Store in Taiwan. Fresh vegetables and fruit and natural ingredients only. EVERPURE filtered water. NO emulsifier and food additive. SAFE&DELICIOUS.
The owner is from LuGu, and grew up with tea as a part of her life. With a huge interest in tea and a insistence on the quality of tea, she hope that every visitors to XiTou and Monster Village can come and have some good tea and let's make friends.
A coffee shop located in the beautiful Zhongxing New Village. The owner continues to develop various life styles in this old house left over by time, hoping to protect this beauty through his understanding of the village.
1.埔里山城有機農場12公頃 2.有機觀光工廠作為發酵基地,注重原料管控來源 3.好吃又好玩
本草自然生技有限公司創立於民國 100 年,前身為家駿企業,是南投縣最大之手作皂精密製造廠。 民國 100 年在集集鎮開始建立本草自然生態園區, 秉持創辦人林坤永董事長對本草自然的理念,堅持以自然素材打造,耗時近三年,終於完成這座結合天然,環保及綠建築為一體之自然生技園區。
水里蛇窯源自民國十六年,南投製陶師傅 林江松先生鑑於水里地區為當時木材集散地,燃料豐富且陶土質佳,非常適合製陶。故舉家遷徙至此,砌築蛇窯生產陶器至今。蛇窯窯內寬廣,可燒出較大體積之陶器,早先以生產陶製「大水缸」聞名於世。民國三十二年,日本偷襲珍珠港之前。本廠奉命生產軍用「防空缸」,因此在本廠工作人員可免被徵召赴海外當軍伕,可見當時水里蛇窯之重要性。
采棉居成立的宗旨在既有寢飾產業的專頁基礎上, 藉由展現新創意整體再發展之規劃,結合製造、觀光、休閒, 采棉居寢飾文化舘內蘊含企業文化、產業知識、 深度五感美學體驗。
香里活力豬品牌文化館蒐集了台灣社會從二十年代起的養豬方式,與各類豬隻文化,讓參訪民眾彷彿置身於民國二、三十年代的農村社會,及親身感受「家與豬」緊密的關係。 本公司產品之包裝設計在外包裝上以鮮明熱情的紅色為主色調,強調香里食品對產品的信心與熱愛,更希望消費者拿到產品、享用產品美食時能有幸福的滋味。
為延續集集山蕉的美味,傳承集集的在地故事,「集元果」品牌於焉誕生; 取自於自然元素、回到原點的意涵,重溫、回味當年集集山蕉風光的金蕉年代。 每一項『集元果』的山蕉產品皆從天馬行空的想像中出發,一步步的克服難關、付諸實踐。 所有產品從無到有,始終秉持唯一信念-『把最好、最健康的台灣在地幸福傳遞下去!』
Our insistence on food safety by using ingredients which are completely free from preservative, pigments, or any artificial additives allows customers to enjoy our steamed cuisines satisfyingly with ease and happiness.
The owner is from LuGu, and grew up with tea as a part of her life. With a huge interest in tea and a insistence on the quality of tea, she hope that every visitors to XiTou and Monster Village can come and have some good tea and let's make friends.
Chin-Ai Philharmonic is located in Chin-Ai Village in RenAi, Nantou, deep in Auwanda Forest. We set up a market in Chung Hsing New Village Hall, selling handmade ChinAi Little Musician cultural and creative products(decorations, backpacks, purses .et
Fantastic not only creates unparalleled snacks but also gives opportunities for mentally and physically challenged, making souvenirs warm by love. Awarded 2014 and 2017 Nantou Top 10 Souvenirs and Taiwan Top 100, in 2018, Fantastic also won 2018 Souv
Use the space of the provincial housing, promote the consignment space of arts and literary workers, let more people get in touch with the concept of slow living, and lead the travelers to re-recognize the elegance of Chung Hsing New Village with the
Taiwanese tea profesionist(Lishan Oolong Tea, Alishan Oolong Tea, Organic Ruby Red Tea)
We were an 30 years old optician service, then came up with an idea to set up a coffee shop for local, for tourists and for you. 1.The most beautiful green tunnel in Taiwan is just right at our door, enjoy the scenery with your afternoon tea. 2. Tal
First Bear Themed Shaved Ice Store in Taiwan. Fresh vegetables and fruit and natural ingredients only. EVERPURE filtered water. NO emulsifier and food additive. SAFE&DELICIOUS.
A coffee shop located in the beautiful Zhongxing New Village. The owner continues to develop various life styles in this old house left over by time, hoping to protect this beauty through his understanding of the village.
1.埔里山城有機農場12公頃 2.有機觀光工廠作為發酵基地,注重原料管控來源 3.好吃又好玩
本草自然生技有限公司創立於民國 100 年,前身為家駿企業,是南投縣最大之手作皂精密製造廠。 民國 100 年在集集鎮開始建立本草自然生態園區, 秉持創辦人林坤永董事長對本草自然的理念,堅持以自然素材打造,耗時近三年,終於完成這座結合天然,環保及綠建築為一體之自然生技園區。
水里蛇窯源自民國十六年,南投製陶師傅 林江松先生鑑於水里地區為當時木材集散地,燃料豐富且陶土質佳,非常適合製陶。故舉家遷徙至此,砌築蛇窯生產陶器至今。蛇窯窯內寬廣,可燒出較大體積之陶器,早先以生產陶製「大水缸」聞名於世。民國三十二年,日本偷襲珍珠港之前。本廠奉命生產軍用「防空缸」,因此在本廠工作人員可免被徵召赴海外當軍伕,可見當時水里蛇窯之重要性。
采棉居成立的宗旨在既有寢飾產業的專頁基礎上, 藉由展現新創意整體再發展之規劃,結合製造、觀光、休閒, 采棉居寢飾文化舘內蘊含企業文化、產業知識、 深度五感美學體驗。
香里活力豬品牌文化館蒐集了台灣社會從二十年代起的養豬方式,與各類豬隻文化,讓參訪民眾彷彿置身於民國二、三十年代的農村社會,及親身感受「家與豬」緊密的關係。 本公司產品之包裝設計在外包裝上以鮮明熱情的紅色為主色調,強調香里食品對產品的信心與熱愛,更希望消費者拿到產品、享用產品美食時能有幸福的滋味。
為延續集集山蕉的美味,傳承集集的在地故事,「集元果」品牌於焉誕生; 取自於自然元素、回到原點的意涵,重溫、回味當年集集山蕉風光的金蕉年代。 每一項『集元果』的山蕉產品皆從天馬行空的想像中出發,一步步的克服難關、付諸實踐。 所有產品從無到有,始終秉持唯一信念-『把最好、最健康的台灣在地幸福傳遞下去!』